Programming/Houdini - TWA

[Houdini] Joy of VEX (Day 8)

와들S 2023. 7. 28. 14:05

1. Outputs


2. Reviews

1) noise preview

- 여러 노이즈를 테스트 해봄: Turbulent Noise, Unified Noise 등등


2) Noise


- sin과 noise는 둘 다 특정한 형태가 있고 이는 offset으로 옮긴다해도 그 형태를 계속 유지해 보여줌.

- frequency: 전체 노말의 폭을 줄임. 
  offset: 실제 파형의 위치를 옮겨줌. 나머지부분은 계속 반복되어 형성됨


3) Curlnoise

- 다른 종류의 noise 함수 형태


4) Random vs Noise

- 비슷하게 보인다 하더라도 Random은 별개의 값이 각자 다른 값을 가져서 전체적인 흐름을 보이지 않지만,
Noise의 경우 커다란 흐름 안에서 랜덤값을 제한해 고유한 흐름을 보여줌.


5)  Noise 주의점

- Noise를 쓸 때 바로 노이즈를 p에 연결해버리면 결과값이 이상하게 나옴. 그게 아니고 add를 써서 원래 p에다가 노이즈된 p값을 더해줘야 우리가 원하는 값을 만들 수 있음. 


3. Exercises

( )

1) How does this look when setting @P rather than @Cd?

- curlnoise 형태 마지막 결과값에 @P로 해서 울긋불긋한거 출력


2) Can you make a plane look like water? Like curtains? Like lumpy ground?

- 물결치는 걸 바라시는 것같은데 노이즈를 좀 바꿔보면 될 거 같다. 노이즈 종류가 뭐뭐 잇는지 찾아보기 f1눌러서

3) What happens when you fit the values? Clamp? Run through a ramp?

- 먼저 fit이나 clamp로 범위 조절하고 
ex) float NN = noise(@P.y);
      NN = fit(NN, 0, 1, -0.5, 0.5); 이런 식으로
그리고 chramp를 얹으면 될 거 같다.

4) Can you make stepped noise? Blocky noise? Hint: When we did quantising in an earlier lesson we took our distance 'd' and trunc'd it to reduce its precision. Here, you'd want to copy @P to a temp vector pos, quantise it, and feed that result to noise (see gif below)

- JoyOfVex8 - cgwiki (



JoyOfVex8 - cgwiki

Noise, various types, how it can be scaled, vector vs scalar noise, why you might use vops here instead Noise One of the most common things you'll do is require procedural noise. This is simple to do: To change the scale of noise, multiply @P by a factor:


5) What happens if you drive noise from a length function? From distance to a pig as the second input?

float d = length(@P); 
float NN = noise(d);


6) stepped distance to the pig, driving noise, moving along @N?

- 네? 
@N += NN; 이건가?



3. Exercises

1) How does this look when setting @P rather than @Cd?

- later

2) Can you make a plane look like water? Like curtains? Like lumpy ground?

- later


3) What happens when you fit the values? Clamp? Run through a ramp?

- later

4) Can you make stepped noise? Blocky noise? Hint: When we did quantising in an earlier lesson we took our distance 'd' and trunc'd it to reduce its precision. Here, you'd want to copy @P to a temp vector pos, quantise it, and feed that result to noise (see gif below)

- later


5) What happens if you drive noise from a length function? From distance to a pig as the second input?

- later

6) stepped distance to the pig, driving noise, moving along @N?

- later



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