
[Norwegian] Duolingo (2023.07.19)

와들S 2023. 7. 20. 02:10

1. Vocabulary

Norwegian English Meaning
et bibliotek a library
en kirke a church
i nærheten nearby
et Apotek pharmacy
 gammel old
et hotell a hotel
et museum a museum
billig cheap
veldig very


2. Example Sentences

Bor du i nærheten?
Do you live nearby?

Biblioteket er lite.
The library is small.

Apoteket er gammelt.
The pharmacy is old.

Der er kaféen!
There is the cafe!

Kaféen er der borte.
The cafe is over there.

Restauranten er billig.
The restaurant is cheap.

Museet er billig.        
The museum is cheap.
※  et museum -> museet


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[Norwegian] Basic  (0) 2023.07.16